guess what i saw?.....
FLYING whole brood of them feasting on my ripen pink guavas. they were hanging upside down with the hind legs holding firm to the branches and their fore legs which is linked with a stretchable membrane - the wing with their hinds.
cousin peeleepian was there with me and we were gazing at it. i din know when a missile was shot out from peelepian's handy catapult. it hit bullseye at one of the hungrily feasting creatures. it fell....and the rest of the flying foxes were startled and flew away squeaking noisily as they went.
i was shock. why did peelepian do that for? we headed to the fallen target. it was already dead bleeding from the head.....;9(
peeleepian was one bold bloke. he flipped the carcass over. oh my god!! clinging in fright onto it was a baby flying fox!
peeleepian was drooling and told me he would barbeque it. he said it was very nutritious and delicious. i asked for the baby flying fox. if not, i think it would also end up in his tummy......;9(
this began my acquaintance with flying fox.....
i named it foxie. it was cute and a female. it was already quite developed with wings and big soulful gazing eyes. i used a used towel and hanged it upside down carefully placing the baby flying fox inside.
since it was a baby, i went to get some KLIM milk powder and mixed it water. then i fed it to the fox with a straw. happily it loved it and was suckling quite greedily....;9)
very soon after a few weeks, foxie was grown. i kept it in my big rabbit cage. was keeping rabbits too then with the hamsters, guinea pigs..and my white duck...and chickens with their brood of chicks.
it was a mini zoo in my large fenced up compound where the guava tree proudly shaded over us.
there wasn't much of a rapport between me and foxie. i fed it regularly from dropped guavas. all it knew was feeding time. greedy critter was quite blainless!
when it reached quite mature size, granny told me to let it go...or else, she would love to cook it in double boiled tonic.
reluctantly, i let it out for the last time. she was quite tame and would allow me to stroke her belly. the dark golden brown fur was really soft and silky. she loved it and would wriggle her hind legs like a little doggie. in fact it was like a little doggie!
i left her out. it flew awhile. then she would return to me clinging invertedly on my outstretched forearm wrapped in towel. her claws were rather sharp, u know. i would fling her ...and off she flew away.
i let her had all the freedom expecting she to just flew away. but no she din. soon night fell. the guava tree was in season again and loaded with fruits.
the swarm of flying foxes came a visiting once morning, foxie was gone. there was a tinge of unwillingness welling within me....but then for her own good, she should go.