max1421 20:11
leetahsar 13 of 18
111186.13 in reply to
111186.12Thanks for the light-hearted sharing of personal experiences. He who provides a scientific name for plants must have a real love for them. Could we have some common friends, apart from the lovely greens? Are you still in the landscaping business? I thought OTC was at 1 [number of yellow flower] Road. Warmest regards.
leetahsar 20:15
max1421 unread
14 of 18
111186.14 in reply to mixed up ..OTC address was KHEAM HOCK RD...a side root from bt timah...nice place...big..and very simple...
very pte person wanted me to suggest a dense screening plant for greater privacy...
leetahsar 20:24
max1421 unread
15 of 18
111186.15 in reply to
111186.13"BOB....can u pls come to my place immediately...." a voice rang from my handphone. "my hibiscus is shedding leaves...dunno why??...can come now?"
a customer of my who lived in east coast road called, saying her problematic hisbiscus was then at the foot of mt faber....quite a distance there u know...
being quite free that day, i biah there only to realise she wasn't watering her plants...and not only hibiscus but the rest of the plants are shedding bo bian..since i was there, i water for her...took like one hour...
after i left...and it wasn't even my maintenance day....i provided her a twice a month manintenance service....
and after that...THANK U...that's it! compromise me with petrol money or what...just a thank u..a cup of plain water...and she meant for me to GET LOST!...;9(
the worst part was my tao chew...or first hand man two timed on me..u know..potong goyong...left him there to do the work...and he went canvassing for new personal contracts around the area....
i din know until that lady customer told me...of course i was furious...he spoilt the market by charging dirt cheapskate cheap...cos he was there doing the work...after finished , he went do all his personal contracts....without my knowledge..:(
and to think i taught him so many to use relevant chemicals for relevant horticultural problems...where to buy those chemicals...and at what forth. see...even the disloyal poor also tekan the hand that fed be it...i was utterly disappointed with him...
he was a young simpleton guy who once grew veggies at the old chua chu kang rd where my 2nd garden were relocated from the demolished MANDAI one and closed by to his...
and a big big basket of veggies he grew after days of tender loving care barely fetched $ he just did my contract and per visit he already got $80..and that was only for maybe about an hr plus work...
so many jobs i sub contracted to him...even set up a company for that he will be able to be fact i had a deeper plan for him...i was eyeing at that time a piece of beautiful land in JB....
when i found out his real insiduous and greedy character...i had 2nd thought...anyway, i was suddenly hit by the CLOB saga and all my coffin money gone...kapooh! the deal to seal that piece of beautiful land was ruined....:(
now i dun plan anymore...i take each day at a time...what come will come...what go...will need to need to in ur own compassion...and everything sure turns out fine...
ornitoufo....;9)....and so I RETIRED!