it's been quite awhile since last blogged.
the old sammyboy kopitiam had abruptly came to halt. it suffered a sudden untimely death. after acquainting with the dreaded F4, ngejay, jaslyn go, chia ti lik and kelvin thum, it was only whimssical resentment that gradually built up. the cause: unknown. like i said - whimssical resentment - unresolved, unexplained....UNKNOWN ;9)
as leetahsar posting all sorts of nonsense in that uncanny sbf site was both blessing, curse and heck! lots of fun....until curiousity kills the cat. i met many forummers who PM or personal message me to "meet up". my curiousity was to meet to see who was behind that nic. some were very interesting persona. some were like super glue who kept hounding you.
among one who claimed to be a peter ng or babaero11 from the sandy bitch(beach) of PALAWAN. yep! a chinese filipino. the worst nightmare for anyone to have met him. but hey! this is leetahsar, the blurking goon who is as usual oblivious to the craftiness and evil-intention of strangers.
after the fall out with F4, i continued to post in other nics. leetahsar moniker was banned from that zany sbf. he was in a way "murdered". (they ganged up, schemed and in the end resulted in my ban). it began with the destruction of myforum: UPHEAVAL OF LEETAHSAR where crazy topics were posted and discussed. it was meant to be light-hearted but after the relationship sour with F4, it was marked to be obeleted.
friends turning into wasn't really my anticipation. it resulted because of discord sowing from lamei who incidentally is still sowing ;9( a troll who's already a mum of 2 is always 24/7 in the internet. never offend a woman especially a super petty, resentful and vengeful one.
she had linked up with a number of those whom i acquainted from forums and even personal pals. what she did behind the scene was simply atrocious - sowing of discord....trying to turn pals into foes. a few was successfully manipulated and instigated and were using all kinds of funny nics to flame any posters whom they suspected was leetahsar.
it's really ludicrous especially such flamming topics appear in "pirated" sbf forum sites.
am i that notoriously famous or famously notorious that even in my absence, there are many clowns who would still disguise their monikers as LEETAHSAR or the likes. LOL! am i suppose to be flattered?
well, yes and no. yes cos' it means that my postings have made an impact or impression. no cos' it shows that those clowns are seriously mentally warped to harbour such kind of unexplainable resentment by just reading my bo liao postings.
about 3 years have passed....and sadly the petty resentment continues. strange and childish, isn't it? hahahaha...
babaero11, the real pinoy pervert is still restlessly flaming LEETAHSAR - still very resentful and vulgar with his distorted perversion of buttholes and genitalia. my god!! he's an old man. (i m older than he. but again, if he wasn't lying about his age, he looks much haggardly older).
i sensed that maybe through msn, he must have linked up with the troll lamei cos the flamming on LEETAHSAR who was already not posting in those childish narrow sbf pirated sites was sprouting up non stop. whenever there was a thread on me, it would run into a long winded soap opera. damn funny!! LOL!
it was also a blessing to have known chiatilik and his F4 gang. if i hadn't met them, i would still be deluding myself about what politics was all about. meeting them had made me more appreciative about our gov....about the goodness they have done for our country. (before that i was just like them - very prejudiced against our gov.) there were some bad policies that to us humble peasants seem ridiculously fake. like increase GST to help the needies and the poor.....this appears preposterous!! everything becomes more expensive. how and where's the HELP? but overall, our gov does well for singapore. just look at malaysia, thailand, indonesia and other places such as taiwan or philippines etc. singaporeans should count their blessings how lucky we are.
it also opens my deeper thoughts about the silly antics of SDP now being infiltrated with F4. ejay the nerd is now their star blogger who keeps admiring the faked up goodie-goodie of sdp. he got himself into trouble witht he law through his brainless involvement with sdp. many who involved themselves with sdp also ended up "in the longkangs". it seems that he has never learnt his lesson. he refuses to learn. how could he wake up with so much flirt and destroy and all the hypocritical encouraging praises and attention he's receiving. he worries one much. a brilliant scholar whose talent maybe destined to be wasted ;9(.
my blurness about things around me....about the wickedness and scheming human nature...about truth, hypocrisy, fakeries and many of the human flaws are slowly being clarified. it's like being able to perceive mindfully and clearly through the fogginess. pieces by pieces, it's like solving a complicated jigsaw puzzle - a very big piece of puzzle.
only in simplicity, that i was made to see complexities, prejudices and reality. i guess that was the biggest enlightment i got by crazily gotten myself mixed up with total strangers from the internet. some who were enemies became pals...and from pals reverted back to enemies.
actually what's pal and what's enemy?
they are the same. yep! the same person only with complimented opinions or clashing ideals. the real enemy is actually our ownself. if one is sincere, honest and simple, then there is no enemy. that enemy is the devil in the other person's self....a delusion of his own evil thoughts or a victim of malicious exploit or discord being sown.
like my simple quote:
EMPTINESS IS FORM.....FORM IS EMPTINESS. your greatest enemy could be your best friend. think about it.....;9)