Thursday, September 06, 2007

verbal barrage at ABC MARKET

pinkyclown teleported himself to ABC MARKET, a territory where the invisible bitch dwelled with her official husby, the greenhat lantern and her pair of teletubbies kids.

he was there to help a distress signal emitted by AYAM BAEY YAM KENG or cockadoodleman. AYAM suay suay landed into a trap laid by the invisible bitch and was S&M brutally continuously by her using her every notorious FLIRT & DESTROY.

his cherries were sucked swollen and so was his pointy grapeseeds. cherries sucking and pointy grapeseeds picking was a regular activity and hobby of the invisible bitch.

after she had all her fun and cum, the rest of the gang's turn to S&M poor cockadoodleman AYAM.

there hovering in his silver surfboard, pinkyclown heard the cries for help from AYAM. he teleported himself there trying to save him out of an awkard situation. bitch was sticky n merrily licking his cherries. his plucked grapeseeds now were sore to the size of er...cherries too!...omg!

a verbal barrage ensued. flaming upon flaming followed those spewing of verbal hantaming. there was no end in sight.

finally, the descendent of the HOLY SPIRIT onto pinkyclown. GOD!...give him the power...yes...he was charged!!

pinkyclown suggested to gaylord plastico to cease all this nonsense. the proud arrogant gaylord teased him back and demanded WHITE FLAG of surrender and submission. it meant dropping his SWAN PANTIES, kneeled and bent down for him. the panties served duo purposes. it was white and it was retro which the gaylord had all along a fetish for it.

how could pinkyclown oblige to gaylord's perverted demand? white SWAN PANTIES was stained. oh no!!...not from cumjuices or shits remnants :p lah!! was antique since his school days. it could be older than the boys and girls here. it's at least 30 yrs old. it had turned yellowish instead of white. of course it was stained!!:eek:

pinkyclown tried hard to enlighten the gaylord plastico who was stubborn as an ox. and yes, he was also born in the year of OX. his past life could have been an idiotic stubborn water buffalo! and mad cow disease might have been initiated by him too.

sadly to no avail. he mocked pinkyclown...and so the feuding barrage of verbal diarrhoea continued.

sometime u think whether such christian ox...i mean christian faith gaylord with his self proclaimed staunch christian evil invisible bitch were really xtians.....MAY THE HOLY SPIRIT POWER ON THEM TO!!....

time to awake, hopefully the whole LAME FANTASICK 4 would awake. they had already shown many what true clowns they really fact clowner than this pinkyclown.

in the end, cockadoodle AYAM was fred. the bitch was indignant and defiant as usual. she thought she had won and started bragging in sbf kopitiam: I GOT AYAM'S CHERRIES & GRAPESEEDS....SO SO LA....

did she really win? i think this bitch had made an even bigger fool of herself and still ignorant about it...YAYAPAPAYA, she went. a pity that that the hit movie 881 didn't engage this bitch to be one of the lead actress.

perhaps they couldn't cos then all the audience would know how a pale ghostly bag of bone would look like, especially during this 7th lunar month which was THE MONTH OF THE HUNGRY GHOSTS.

she was one petty bitch hungry for more petty pies...ain't she the hungriest of the hungry ghosts???

stay tuned for more action coming soon to the nearest window next to u.....:D