Friday, September 14, 2007

appearance of evil twin gms...

after attending to his buttcheek wounds which was brutally autographed and engraved by the lame FANTASICK 4, leeporter was downcasted. he hadn't got a comment to leeport. how?


he spotted a fattie who appeared like none other the other ex WP GE candidate - GMS. all fired up again, leeporter rushed to interview him.

l: hi! u r GMS, right?
g: huh?....u want my autograph too??
l: no lah! what's wrong today??!! everyone's wanna give me his autographs!...
g: hehehehe....u cute mah..
l: can i ask u for ur comment on today BLACK silent protest?....
g: dunno...sssssshhhhhh!
l: what??
g: ...ssssssssshhhhhhhhh
l: WHAT???
g: sssssssssssshhhhhhhh....silent sssssssssshhhhhhhhh (gms whispered)
l: oh hell!! can i ve ur autograph then?!!
g: ok where do i sign?...ur white panties now looks like a RED UNDIES....
l: sign on my cherries then....or u want my grapeseeds??

G M S.....signed (xxx)

G on right grapeseed, S on left grapeseed. oh hold on!...where's the M?
oh!! the M was on leeporter's cherries.

the poor poor leeporter......

the infamous LCE angpow...

leeporter spotted one flowery attired guniang. he dropped something. he bent to pick...or to peek at some hotmama's undersized hotpants.
tapping on his shoulder, sotong was startled. he jerked. not between his legs but his head and banged sharply on the table as he erected himself...(opps!...i got to write that...sorry)
leeporter asked sotong after he had composed himself.

l: can ask u a few questions?
s: dun as me why i was bending down under the table..please....i dropped my balls and was searching for them.
l: huh? jus wanna...ask..
s: oh...u want my autograph?? (he snapped in)
l: ve enough of that!...can i ask u why r u here?
s: oh...dunno leh...gaylord gave edicts every fantasick lamer must i come lor.
l: what is ur opinion or comment....any??
s: u want my autograph or not?...if not dun block me i radar at one mei mei behind u already....
l: huh? (turned back to see who he was looking at)
s: hmm...u not bad looker...$200 angpow for u....we go somewhere cosy...just drop pants i sign my autograph.
l: huh???...what autograph?? no more space...fully signed buttcheek liao!
s: u got lah...the frontal not touched yet...i sign there and give u $200 angpow....want...want?

leeporter fainted!...when he worked up. there was an angpow in his half zipped pants. yes! sotong had left his autograph there!!

L C E.....signed (sotong)

LCE...hmmm...leech, cheat and exploit. poor leeporter!! the poor poor guy!!!

kilroy was here!! B o B

the walking bag of bone turned invisible, leeporter saw a shortie plump turdy usual in black. come to think of it, maybe that was the only black T he had.

l: hi...u look friendly...can ask u a few questions?
tn: huh?...u want my autograph now is it?
l: no come everyone from ur fantasick 4 love to give autographs?
tn: is that ur first question?....ok let me HILTERN LAWS of algerbraic calculation hor...forget it!....u want my autography...u look blank with mouth open!!
l: i m blank...can't u see i m foaming in my mouth?!!
tn: so u want or dun want my autograph??
l: right butt cheek signed, left signed. both cheeks bleeding...where to sign?
tn: no problem....(helped himself to undo leeporter's pant)...i sign on the centre....

B o B ...signed (xxx)

one b on the left cheek, o right in the bullseye and B on the right cheek!
poor ..poor leeporter!! a faked turdy nerd's signature and still got no comment!!

bleeding buttcheeks...

poor frustrated leeporter....nothing done. totally nothing to report on any comments. both his butt cheek were bruised. they signed very hard on his SWAN PANTIES! i think the signatures even engraved into both his butt cheeks.
his SWAN PANTIES was stained red besides the blue ink. poor leeporter!

no foto!!!

leeporter spotted a walking bag of bone.

gaylord was seated next to her. loving!...his arms over her shoulder. so romantic!

l: hi....u wifey of gaylord?
b: no lah...dun disturb leh...can't u see we r flirting?
l: sorry, doing my job...can ask u a few questions?
b: what? u want my autograph? hot mama...u want my autograph is it?
l: no lah...'cuse me for a while....( leeporter was puking his guts out!)....sorry...blurp!!..sorry again...why are u wearing black here?...u mourning is it?
b: u want my autograph??
l: er...ok u answer my questions first i ask for ur autograph...can..can?
b: go to hell! foto!!! my husb will kill me if he sees me here!!!
l: ok...can answer now...sorry...but i think ur bag of bone won't appear in worry...
b: u want my autograph or not?
b: sign on the other butt cheek of my SWAN PANTIES.

BONNY WASN'T HERE...signed (xxx)

get lost!...we are flirting!!

want my autograph?

leeporter to gaylord in CENTREPOINT black silent protest...

l: aren't u the famous ex wp candidate?

gl: wow, u recognise me...TQ!..want my autograph is it?
l: no la...can give us ur opinion for today activism?
gl: u dun want my autograph, then ask for fuck*!!??
(* gaylord's most favorite word and probably his favorite hobby too)
l: aiyo, just doing my job...say something so i can siew kang la...tolong....tolong...after that u give me ur autograph ...can?
gl: ay....dun like that here for silent protest hor...DUN GET ME INTO TROUBLE, FxxK off please!
l: ok bian...give me u autograph then. can sign on my butt. me wearing white SWAN PANTIES...
gladly, gaylord signed on the pristine white cotton:

GAYLORD WAS HERE...signed (xxx)

u want my autograph??

if asked by leeporters, how'd u say?

leeporter: hello, u like living in sinkietown?
Pc: sure, why?
l: anything u like to comment...about the gabramen...the policy, the way of living...etc..
pc: i love the PAPS...i love pinkie le clown...
l: really? why?
pc: pinkie always stands behind us...we are always infront.
l: wow...that good?
pc: yes!... NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND, what....that's why we are screwed...pain pain with his KY..
l: oops!...CENSORED!!!...CUT..."!~'#@&&^%...
so if the next leeporter were to ask u:
how u like ur cuntry
what would be ur reply?