Saturday, September 01, 2007

how to respond in awkard encounter?

as everyone know the silly feud of leetahsar and the lame fantasick 4 is a continuing saga.
don't ask me why? i dunno.
one fine morning was suppose to meet my burmese prince and his roomate burmese pal. wast trying to help them to get rented lodging here in queenstown.
they were having problem with their current landlord. their old indian forever drunk indian landlord kept accusing them for not paying up the rental. they had paid. the trouble he forgot and used up the money for toddy as soon as the rent was handed to him.
so here i was sitting. waiting. kopi la-ing.
lo and behold!! kaixin passed me by with gaylord as i was checking my sms. he smiled weakly and waved at me. gaylord was so vain! obviously very resentful about what was feuding in this sbf kopitiam.
really, i should be the one who should be resentful if u would understand the reason for the demise of leetahsar. funny. where was the invisible bitch?
did she turn invisible? ...who cares!
there i continued to sit and wait for my burmese pals. when i glanced back to the table they were sitting, invisible bitch was visible there!! what a invisibility teleporting trick! it was strange....very strange indeed! the ugly THING sotong was present. didn't they accept him back to their lame F4? so it was F3 now is it or still F4?
i called my burmese pals who were near. before i hang up, they were already walking towards me.
burmese prince was thrilled to see me. it had been quite awhile since i helped him landed in a waiter job. he handshake me and hugged me. he was really excited and laughing.
burmese prince: boob!!....i scored the highest mark for the assignment u did for me...aiyo!! so thank you you u know...hahahaha....
he hugged some more. ya..ya...i knew already. the lame F4 should be enjoying this camaderie and ya..ya...i already anticipated what was going through their lame sick minds.
anyway, he was very happy. he got his first wage payout. he insisted that he would treat me breakfast. but i had already eaten. he insisted. we moved to another table so that it would closer to the stall where he n his other burmese pal would be buying their morning breakfast.
in his sheer ecstasy, he insisted that he wanna buy me something. ok lor! i told him to get me a hot soyabean small cup no syrup. cost: 40c only.
must let everyone know. it wasn't the treat that bother me much. it was rather his enthusiastic sincerity. i had to mention about the price to prevent petty people to defame my goodself continuously.
we have a jolly good time talking dirty cocks (opps!) and obscenities (opps, opps!) what else better to talk between 3 guys.
the table where the lame F3 (only three were there) was awfully quiet.
kaixin in his usual predictable habit...bak chor mee without vinegar. after eating, it was to the toilet. he passed my table, waved and smiled weakly at me and headed to the toilet ahead.
after a quite long while, he exited, passed my table again, waved, smiled and proceed to his F3 table nearby.
it was a tensed and awkard encounter. suppose if it happen on you, how should u react? what should the scenario be?
catfight? hurling of loud obscenities? create a interesting bawling scene? throw chairs...etc..etc...well?


....the saga of the LAME F4 continues....

hmmm, the galaxy seemed awfully tranquil. the late murdered leetahsar was revived by a forumer as PINKYCLOWN in sbf.i was banned. LEETAHSAR was no more. he was gang raped by lame F4 and murdered most foul!.

in order to post, i needed to create a new nic. that i did. in no more than a couple of days, i was banned again. destroyed!! why? i also dunno the answer.

off i surfed the galaxy looking for a new forum to post my thoughts. here i landed STARGAZZ*....

an unexpected telepathic signal was sent to me:

LEETAHSAR, i ve revived u as pinkyclown. u can post in forum SBF again freely. do not worry, i m not in singapore.....i m elsewhere. here's ur entry password: XXXXXXXXX......good luck!! be careful...the LAME FANTASICK 4 although also have most of their nicks banned will be back to get u....good luck ..over and out!!

soon i found myself teleported back to sbf. felt strange cos without my infamous nic, i kind of felt lost. should i preach the goodness of compassion? would i be so lo soh to buddha here and ornitoufo there when i knew none would really bother. i think maybe i bore them to death with my bo liao chant....

what to do? just post what nonsense i used to post.

that VOICE was right. here comes the lame F4 again to collective attack PINKYCLOWN aka leetahsar......

sad country. dumb serfs. idiotic nation!

i hovered over this country called sinkieland. it was a sad country inhibited by dumb serfs ruled by a merciless overlord, KUAN YEW.

i posted hoping for answers from the heroes of the land...

Coffee Shop Talk - sad country, dumb serfs, idiotic nation!

From: pinkyclown 27-Aug 01:41
To: ALL 1 of 70 150719.1

the trouble with our pinky clown is that he tot he could foresee the future for us. he loves to wayang and pretend his great concern and 'love' for the serfs.

many years back, CPF already set up. now after so many years, the harvest is ripe to reap cos the aging population most have reached their entitled withdrawal age to their saving.

but what do we get?

withdrawal age keeps pushing forward. from 55 to 60 to 65 to soon to be 67.

now they annouce that many serfs here actually are longlife and can live to 85 and beyond. this means later all withdrawal age would be push to even beyond 70.

as if that's now enough, ambiguous dubious scheme such as the current COMPULSORY ANNUITIES is going to be implemented after much wayanging and faked up debates where mostly the idiots, lembus, zombies and the entire ball carriers species would support vehemently for it.

what does that leave the serfs? for every $1000k left in cpf maybe after we hit the new withdrawal age of maybe 67 or 70 n above (who knows later they might push it further), perhaps only less than the amount we have saved for so many years would be 'reluctantly' returned to us.

most would be siphoned out: for medisave, medishields, eldershields, whatever nonsense dunno what shields and then this bloodsucking ANNUITIES which only benefit one who outlives 85. if not, then good luck to u and ur 'compulsory' premium payments from cpf.

why are our gabramens doing this? why cannot they allow us to manage our own saving and our own money? can we tell them to sack ho jinx cos to the serfs she is throwing away our good blood money for bad planned investments?


then why are they meddling with OUR money. can't they allow serfs the rights to use OUR money for whatever we love simply becos IT'S OUR MONEY AND NOT THEIRS?

this is a very strange cuntry. everyone is silent even when their savings are slowly parasitised off by the so called 'concerned' gabramen.sad county. dumb people. idiotic nation!

instead, it attracted the returns of the invisible bitch who's now COCONUT TEE.

she brought out black2545. this is the zany BLACKMAN who was tortured sadistically by his sidekick PUSSYCAT. (that is another horny tale by itself).

blackman was a pal of leetahsar but stupidly fallen into the bitch's nasty FLRIT & DESTROY. now the bitch dug up so many of his personal info and wealth, she would not stop at anything to get back at leetahsar who's now PINKYCLOWN.

so she posted repetively spamming the entire thread demanding the answer which she dreadfully wanted:

From: CoconutTee 30-Aug 03:51
To: pinkyclown 58 of 70 150719.58 in reply to 150719.57

u know Black2545 has depression, did u exploit him n take advantage on his medical condition ???give me straight answer, dun side kick !dun act blur like u dun know any thing !

so pinkyclown responded:

From: pinkyclown 30-Aug 06:18
To: CoconutTee 61 of 70 150719.61 in reply to 150719.60

there is no answer.u got the answer. maybe u tell everyone is reading now. he would love to hear it too.

well, she repeated like a broken cassette player. she sounded more like reaching menopause and quite senile dementia as she kept on repeating and spamming:

From: CoconutTee 03:56
To: pinkyclown 62 of 70 150719.62 in reply to 150719.61

y u need to lie that Black said "NONSENSE! where got"? u r attempting to convince us that u din try to con Black's property, so u lied that Black denied u tried to con his property !!!now u r exposed by ur own lie!will u get a job, instead "working" in SBF full time? give us a straigh "yes" or "No" answer, not sidekick again ;-)

From: pinkyclown 30-Aug 04:04
To: CoconutTee 114 of 123 150930.114
in reply to 150930.111

hahaha...i jus spoken to black 'live'. this is his only reply:NONSENSE! where got??hiazzz...i think ur FLIRT & DESTROY is exposed once again. u r the one who betrays other trust and confidentiality in u.

what do u got to say for urself now?

repent and confess in the confession box, then go out again and continue another FLIRT & DESTROY?


Medusa Stunned The Invisible Bitch!

in a faraway land, lovely medusa picked up telekinetic about PINKYCLOWN's distress being stalked by the invisible bitch, she came into sbf in a surprised post.

MEDUSA is a lovely blonde. she stunned every men who dare looked upon her....especially her honeydew boobs. all who seen the miraculous asset were be stoned!....yes, stoned and steamed in between their legs...hahahaha....

she was furious that the invisible bitch still couldn't get over her petty molehill vengefulness which she took it as a HIMALAYA mountain.

she posted a very direct reply which stunned her and maybe shattered her bag of evil ugly bones:

From: gfadsfmd 30-Aug 09:10
To: CoconutTee 121 of 126 150930.121 in reply to 150930.111

You fucker, you do nothing but say Leetahsar exposes peoples personal info yet here you are telling everyone that Black is depressed and even how much his property is worth.

You are a hypocrite!!!!!

even the nails were hit on the head, the invisible bitch still argued that she was right. she considered herself always right. of course, most could see how lame and didn't realise she already exposed her insincerity and hypocrite self and nasty nature....

she posted and argued again. what a sad pathetic bitch!

From: CoconutTee 03:44
To: gfadsfmd 123 of 126 150930.123
in reply to 150930.121

{You fucker, you do nothing but say Leetahsar exposes peoples personal info yet here you are telling everyone that Black is depressed and even how much his property is worth. You are a hypocrite!!!!!}

cant u see that i am exposing LTS's scheme of looking for victims in this forum? cant u see that how many forumers trust LTS? the fucker is u urself ;-)
the person who told us abt Black depression n property is non other than LTS himself ;-)

who's exposing who? u be the judge here. i knew blackman for so long, i didn't even know he got this condition. the invisible went on to say that black's owned a fortress worth 800k plutonian jewels.

shit!! blackman, how come u never tell me this???

stupidly, blackman must have fallen victim to her nasty FLIRTY & DESTROY....she manipulated him. maybe she sado-masochistic blackman till he screamed and revealed all she wanted to gather about him and vital info about me. blackman was in dire danger if he let the gaylord plastico lawyer handled his fortress.

gaylord got a very sharp parang that would surely decapitate blackman in one swift blow and his fortress would be consumed by gaylord.

how would this saga end? i really dunno. it's still on going.

will pinkyclown be unfairly eliminated again by the communistic reins of biased idiots who control sbf kopitiam. they have already unfairly burnt and razed his pizzashop world of leetahsar without valid reason.the only shred of evidence was a complain filed by the bitch la mei aka the invisible bitch aka COCONUT TEE aka (u name it).

could that be enough to validate a complain when she accused her FUCKING MESSY LIFE was exposed by leetahsar?

if u guys were to read sbf...u will know leetahsar is the one most exposed by the mischiefs of the LAME F4. his real name, his addresses and even his phone numbers....that fatboy's face, if u think he's cute, then ok that would be leetahsar...if not, then sorry not he lah...hahahaha.....;9)

will this petty resentment and vengefulness ever will end?.....i wonder. so stupid, childish and really devouring to the soul.
will this be the end?

medusa hit back:

From: gfadsfmd 04:58
To: CoconutTee unread 124 of 126 150930.124
in reply to 150930.123

I know who you are, lady!we should also know now who this bitch is. does anyone know why she is doing this?WHY SHE SO LIKE THAT ONE HUH???

her love will go on and the TITANIC...

just like the lyrics from THE TITANIC THEME:

my love (or rather petty hatred) will go on and on..............

she created lame polls and worships those figures. tsk...tsk...really she must be the most vengeful petty bitch one got the misfortune to encounter

F4 against LTS - POLL

F4 r Evil, they ganged up to destroy well loved leetahsar, they r despicable ! 8 votes (2%)
F4 revealed LTS is a con man cum liar, and his stealing deeds, well done ! 0 votes (0%)
F4 against LTS's parent bashing, they did the right thing ! 1 votes (0%)
F4 exposed LTS lives out of his siblings, LKBs, n talk cock like a great thinker 0 votes (0%)
all option 2, 3 and 4 rolled into one ;-) 428 votes (98%)

437 people have voted so far

author's note: i think leetahsar is notorious infamous to attract so many votings. it's still ongoing and figures should be even higher!

poor response to F4 POLL, why?

....yes, why??

From: pinkyclown 30-Aug 05:19
To: ALL Poll 1 of 1 151086.1

what do u feel about the lame fantasick 4?
petty mentality 1 votes (11%)
double standard 0 votes (0%)
hypocritical 0 votes (0%)
sinister and scheming 0 votes (0%)

8 votes (89%) 9 people have voted so far

medusa captured and stoned the F4!!

medusa in her fury of the collective bullying and injustice where they were the culprits for the murder of leetahsar and their incessantly lame bo liao attack.

she did a POLL too on all the members from the FANTASICK 4. however, either they are too good or no one in sbf is interested in them.


From: gfadsfmd 05:03
To: ALL Poll 1 of 4 151194.1


LAMEI. 2 votes (11%)
KAIXIN/EJNG. 6 votes (33%)
SOTONG. 1 votes (6%)
TILIK. 3 votes (17%)

18 people have voted so far

Medusa Vs The Invisible Bitch

who do u think will win? who is represent truth? who is the liar?

it the invisible bitch - read properly: not invincible - loves worshipping POLLS, well...let's give her back HER kind of POLL of her pious religion:

this POLL was done by MEDUSA:


From: gfadsfmd 6-Aug 07:15
To: ALL Poll 1 of 13 148664.1


A LIAR AND SNEAK 2 votes (2%)
ALL OF THE ABOVE 79 votes (81%)

98 people have voted so far

hmmm....not bad...not bad at all!! at least 98 forummers are interested in her but all in a different kind of reflection. who will emerge the victor is far from the sight.

and the saga continues!!

here she comes again....

the invisible bitch really lives up to her notoriety. only she can demand for answer. she questions, u must am i to answer her?

she would only accept the answer she wants and nothing fact i indirectly got answer from my misled pal blackman who's now mind controlled by her.

is the invisible bitch getting haywired already over using her telekinetic power in excessive? she's like going crazy and would self destruct pretty soon.will her part time lover gaylord plastico come to her rescue? will her fulltime lover find out about her part time rendevous?

how should this end??

things are getting kinda of hot and complicated cos her part-time lover's wifey, MINUTE MAID has sensed her intrusion as the 3rd party.

MAMA MIA!!!....things were really hotting up now.

the bitch's all powderful mum in law was also suspicious about her shadowy activity. will she find that out?

now i m all confused....the plot is over riding into many sub-plots. the bitch's husband, green lantern (cos he's wearing green hat already) could be part timing with another chiobu MYSTERIA.

maybe the invisible bitch discovered that and that's why due to her petty nature will tic for tac. hence her mixing up with gaylord plastico who in a twist of fate had a wifey MINUTE MAID who resembled that bitch!!

wow lau eh!!!......intriguing...very very messily intriguing!!

how the hell LEETAHSAR got involved in this mess?

dunno?....i really ledi dunno!!in my kaypohness and curiosity, i met them.

in my initial impression that invisible bitch and gaylord plastico appeared sincere. they wanna to involve me in ACTIVISM to take over PLANET QUEENSTOWN so as to defeat the merciless overlord GALATICUS KUAN YEW , hence breaking the years of the rule by the PAPS the loyal followers of the overlord.

now ACTIVISM was a big 'feared' word by the PAPS. if we could use the power of ACTIVISM properly, all the serfs would be willing to transfer their PEOPLE'S POWER to us and defeating the PAPS and KUAN YEW'S reign would be a breeze!

but soon i realised that the intention of the duo couple from the lame F4 wasn't really that simple and plain. they had other ulterior motive and plan. they wanted to set up the next dynasty. even before any plan could materialise and action taken, the invisible bitch had already started to don her majestic coat of deceit and even bestowed herself as the EMPRESS DOWAGER.

before even the first step could be taken, she was writing ODE - dun ask me what's that. it went something like that:

From: 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸! (LaMei) 13:17
To: GohMengSeng 18 of 20 147192.18
in reply to 147192.13

Ode to Ti Lik - my good friend lawyer..

now she was 葡萄 or grapes cos she loved the cherries and grape(seeds) of another hero MIGHTY THOR Gohmengseng. mighty thor gms was a loud thunder with his hammer weapon. very noisy but little action. it was just like the loud thundering sky but dun expect any rainfall. the most was to expect a few drops of piss. precisely that was pissing most people off by his beats of thunders rumbled and echoed through sbf.

he shunned her. and hell knows no fury for a petty bitch shunned!!

gathering her army of clones which she and her F4 created, they attacked mighty thor gms non stop beside attacking leetahsar at the same time. since both leetahsar and gms were quite look alike, they were like what she mentioned - EVIL TWINS re-united. hence we gotta help each ohter to defend the planet sinkieland against the nonsense of the F4......

so the battle rages on...and on....

and oops!...hold on!!! the bitch's cassette player broke down:


HERE SHE COMES AGAIN with new strategy to flame:

Coffee Shop Talk - YES! WE R SCREWED!!
From: CoconutTee 07:35
To: pinkyclown 133 of 135 150930.133
in reply to 150930.132

u claimed that u r an ex-male missy, yes or no??? give straight answer, no sidekick! ;-)

in one of my life existence in sinkieland i was the WHITE ANGEL, a male missy...just in case u r blurred, it simply means i was once a jambo male nurse..... (i turned the virginal matron drooling like a uncontrolled foutain spewing from her lips...hahahaha... )

like that also she wanna dig......aiyo!!! for goodness sake!! that exposure was i who told everyone about my missy tale .

i think next she would be after my cherries and grapesides and maybe how many arse hairs still dangling in my blackhole....sheeeeeesh!!!

love's interpretation ala carte LEETAHSAR's style

pai telepathy suddenly is picking a hidden horniness in her dunno what ODE or OBIT to the gaylord plastico:

智 立之志如长江
忠 义两全如孔明
长 见心胸满情感
语 挂嘴边不需言
参 于政治不为荣
小 人误会即嫉妒
天 生耿直即爽快
充 满自信对众宣
不 爱江山爱美人
情 关难闯亦难清

if u break up only the first chinese word and read it from top to bottom just the combination of the lst word of each line, it becomes something like this interpretated in leetahsar's style :
智 - wits ( hers of course, she always thinks she's the cleverest)
忠 - loyalty (gaylord cos he's such an idiot to fall for her flirt & destroy)
长 - his XXX long dick (maybe... we went into the toilet together that's another tale in LA GE N I WENT INTO TOILET - SO BIG! }
语 - speech (sweet nothing talks)
参 - mix (like water mixes into mud. she's water, he's the mud)
小 - small
天 - world
充 - fill
不 - not (enough)
情 - love (or lust)

put them all together, should be something like this:

my wit, ur loyalty
ur dick, my flirty
sweet nothing talks
mix like water and mud
in a world too small
enough to fill our love and lust.....

brrrrrrr!!...horny and bitchy!!

wah piang!!!...heaven forgives me!!