Thursday, December 21, 2006


jacys was a suave tall guy. when he started to speak...u heard only music. well, at least it was music to dearie's ear. i thought i saw a drool from her lips or was it her whiskey coke?
he peeleepehleh...with an accent...hell! i tot i was hearing an americano talking or what...;9(. then kaixin also peeleepehleh...and i tot i heard an engrishman. for me, i only simi huh? lau eh...wo hian bo...simi meh...etc...very hokky singlish....;9)
back at the hotel lounge, dearie was a bit embarrassed as she bought her whiskey coke from the 711 store. this very bullet proof thick skinned piggy told her just now we had drunk here so it should be ok. there wasn't a soul in sight saved for our alien jacy and us.
i just went in sat on the comfy crouch and the rest followed suit. oh well, dearie thought, might as well ordered her favoured whiskey coke. jacys had a orangey cointreau. kaixin was still a bit tipsy from the previous dose so he followed me...and our orders: TAP ON of charge...hahahaha....;9)
jacys started his pre-statesman talk..opps were these and that...paps was that and these...SO BORING!
kaixin is droopy. me was drowsy. dearie was orgasmic with jacy's voice. it was music to her ears. i wondered she knew whether who the hell was chee soon juan. who was chiam or low or whoever jokers, jacys blurted out...
finally, feeling the drowsiness was overpowering, i burst out singing...
UP ON THE HILL....IT CALLS TO be where (pause) ..little cable cars....climb half way to the stars.....
the morning fog...may chill the air...I DUN CARE!!....
that shocked kaixin back to life. dearie burst out laughing...and jacys shuddup!...hahahaha....;9)
before i could allow him turn the night into a political upheaval, i started my undies stories. kaixin laughed. he simply loved it. dearie was delirious...and jacys, well, my undies got the better with him instead of sylvia lim...hahahaha....;9)
we had such fun conversation. guess who also loved to peep when u squat to poo? guess who was wearing a red thongs that night?....guess who wasn't wearing anything?
oops! it's almost 11.30pm. i suggested we split. if not, we would miss the last bus. off we left the hotel. dearie walked with us to the bus stop. then she exclaimed that she wanted to go geylang and looked at the mei meis teetujias there and maybe some transvestites.
jacys started his vivid descriptions of all these teetus. that got her even more stimulated. it so happened my bus came. i was a bit worn out. i bit the guys goodnite and hopped into the bus.
the 3 jokers hailed a cab and off they went to geylang for the guided tour by jacys.
.....and i believe most of u who follow up till here have read kaixin's GEYLANG FR. should have been there with them. it would be even funnier with me around.....;9)
anyway, after the geylang exhilarating trip, the bunch sent dearie back to her hotel. she just couldn't bear to leave jacys, our alien from pluto. i think jacys also fallen in love with her and couldn't bear to part. so kaixin just kicked him out of the cab to accompany dearie back lovingly to her hotel room...and...and...and...
wow....the foggy steamy night began.....

to be cont'd - THE FINALE of the ozzie terror vs the alien from pluto....JUICING THE JACYS....;9)

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