Tuesday, September 04, 2007

a lesson taught may be a lesson unlearned

it's sad that my 'dirty linens washing in public' was exploited to turn against me when the hidden moral is to enlighten those who i reluctantly shared this sad episode of my life....;9(

F-4E Phantom II - Lord (TiLik) unread
78 of 79

151571.78 in reply to 151571.73
ok...might as well reveal to u...
my horny lauhanku had just bought a gold pendant and necklace and off he went to hat yai to u know what...with the gifts too.
now if that's ur lauhan, how would u react?
LOVE UR PARENTS...only if the parents carry themselves as parents. i ve tried meticulously to awake him....with much tolerance and mindfulness.....so u r picking this not as a lesson learnt but a weapon to hurl more accusation.
who loves washing dirty linens in public? my sombre intention is to let those who would be fathers learn the suffering they impose on the family by their irresponsible act....as a lawyer urself, u couldn't grasp....what a shame!
just like in the PRAJAPARAMITA HEART SUTRA, if parents do not act like parents but a romancing rolanto, what happen to the entire family?....ur guess is as good as mind.
next, apply that to husband/wife situation:
why does a husband/wife make a h/w doubt about his/her fidelity?
if such a case arise, shouldn't the infidels stop all the nonsense?....again the sacred role of husband/wife is thrown into inequilibrium, hence sufferings result. sadly, it results in many unanticipated folds...not just the infidels involved, many innocent loved parties would also be hit. THAT'S VERY UNFAIR!
....the answer lies in u.....and i believe u r tormented by it. too tempting to put an end to all the feuds??
stop it. end it. detach from it.
then our hearts will be peaceful and clear.
there is no grudges to bear with u guys...not even that sotong kelvin. it's a learning process that we see our true natures better. but if u guys keep hankering over such 'indecent' acquaintances hurling wild accusation at me, u bet the reaction will be thrown back to u.
the karma has already happened. everyone of us is quite exposed now. of course, me the worst...but hey! who cares! that's easy for me but i dunno about u guys.
silly isn't it? hit others to hit back at ourselves. for what purposes?...for the satisfaction of seeing each other getting hurt to the delights of bystanders?
so awake. stop. end.

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