Friday, December 01, 2006


After we had witnessed the FUCK SPIDER, i will now narrate about how to feed the spiders....
as everyone knows, the old days kampong was infested with mozzies...big monster sized ones. if u got bitten, it would be one big itchy lump on ur skin....;9(
funny though like no one ever died of dengue fever in my kampong even though mozzies were festering!
this was how we fed the spiders. peeleepian and me would go to the most mozzies infested area. we stood still there with a plastic bag tied to ur trousers.
the mozzies would come to feast on us. usually we went about topless. so i would observe peeleepian skin; he on me.
once a mozzie landed on either of us and started sucking our blood. we tolerated and let the insect swelled up its body. then controlling our strength, we smacked onto the insect. we didn't kill it. we just knocked it out. it was still alive...maybe just stunned.
then we would peel off the wings rendering it flightless and put it into our plastic bag and headed back home to our pet spiders.
we would then let it out and put a wingless mozzie on the matchbox top. the hungry spiders would pranced, posed and then steady itself taking accurate aim, it would pounce on the wriggly blood fattened up mozzie.
that would be its meal for the day.
oh yes, we also fed our spiders with out spittle, too. usually after we sucked on a sweet, we spat a tiny globulus of sweetened spittle and released our pet spiders.
it would love our spittle and fester on it quite motionless like enjoying every drop of it......;9)
gross?....come to think of it....PRETTY GROSS!...hahahaha.....;9)
- end of fighting and fucking spiders.....;9)

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