Monday, March 06, 2006


anger is a very negative force that makes a person immuned to his own other words, it kills ur supposedly warm compassionate heart....

i had written once before...WE MUSTN'T LET DEAD PUSSIES OR HOUNDS affect the live ones....FOR THEM, IT'S ALREADY GAME OVER....but the living still need to live...and live it well and happy...

whoever dies...s/he already ended all the bad karmic relationship with u...IT'S GAME OVER for s/he. but urs...the living one has yet to write ur life story....u can be sadistic and ends it will sulking and suffering forever after...which sadly is the usual case most people here do...:(

OR....u can end and enjoying happily ever what this goon does...:)

that's why i said ONLY THE LAND WITHIN OUR HEART ROTS...wherever u can be's actually a heaven....

it's ur mentality at looking at things...heaven and hell is within the person at the's up to him to choose.

pls forgive me...but from where i sense u...u r blaming the whole world except urself....

if u can just calm ur egoistic mind...and return to ur compassionate heart...u will realise...everything will open up and reveal itself to u....u will understand...not the world is at fault...but u urself...u can't accept the things that are happening around u....

but once, u embrace that compassion within u...everything will feel so light...u must learn to let go...and kuah puah...and the darkness in u will shine brightly again...


*....humble golden words from this goon called leetahsar....onitoufo to u....:9)

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