Saturday, September 01, 2007

love's interpretation ala carte LEETAHSAR's style

pai telepathy suddenly is picking a hidden horniness in her dunno what ODE or OBIT to the gaylord plastico:

智 立之志如长江
忠 义两全如孔明
长 见心胸满情感
语 挂嘴边不需言
参 于政治不为荣
小 人误会即嫉妒
天 生耿直即爽快
充 满自信对众宣
不 爱江山爱美人
情 关难闯亦难清

if u break up only the first chinese word and read it from top to bottom just the combination of the lst word of each line, it becomes something like this interpretated in leetahsar's style :
智 - wits ( hers of course, she always thinks she's the cleverest)
忠 - loyalty (gaylord cos he's such an idiot to fall for her flirt & destroy)
长 - his XXX long dick (maybe... we went into the toilet together that's another tale in LA GE N I WENT INTO TOILET - SO BIG! }
语 - speech (sweet nothing talks)
参 - mix (like water mixes into mud. she's water, he's the mud)
小 - small
天 - world
充 - fill
不 - not (enough)
情 - love (or lust)

put them all together, should be something like this:

my wit, ur loyalty
ur dick, my flirty
sweet nothing talks
mix like water and mud
in a world too small
enough to fill our love and lust.....

brrrrrrr!!...horny and bitchy!!

wah piang!!!...heaven forgives me!!

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