Saturday, September 01, 2007

sad country. dumb serfs. idiotic nation!

i hovered over this country called sinkieland. it was a sad country inhibited by dumb serfs ruled by a merciless overlord, KUAN YEW.

i posted hoping for answers from the heroes of the land...

Coffee Shop Talk - sad country, dumb serfs, idiotic nation!

From: pinkyclown 27-Aug 01:41
To: ALL 1 of 70 150719.1

the trouble with our pinky clown is that he tot he could foresee the future for us. he loves to wayang and pretend his great concern and 'love' for the serfs.

many years back, CPF already set up. now after so many years, the harvest is ripe to reap cos the aging population most have reached their entitled withdrawal age to their saving.

but what do we get?

withdrawal age keeps pushing forward. from 55 to 60 to 65 to soon to be 67.

now they annouce that many serfs here actually are longlife and can live to 85 and beyond. this means later all withdrawal age would be push to even beyond 70.

as if that's now enough, ambiguous dubious scheme such as the current COMPULSORY ANNUITIES is going to be implemented after much wayanging and faked up debates where mostly the idiots, lembus, zombies and the entire ball carriers species would support vehemently for it.

what does that leave the serfs? for every $1000k left in cpf maybe after we hit the new withdrawal age of maybe 67 or 70 n above (who knows later they might push it further), perhaps only less than the amount we have saved for so many years would be 'reluctantly' returned to us.

most would be siphoned out: for medisave, medishields, eldershields, whatever nonsense dunno what shields and then this bloodsucking ANNUITIES which only benefit one who outlives 85. if not, then good luck to u and ur 'compulsory' premium payments from cpf.

why are our gabramens doing this? why cannot they allow us to manage our own saving and our own money? can we tell them to sack ho jinx cos to the serfs she is throwing away our good blood money for bad planned investments?


then why are they meddling with OUR money. can't they allow serfs the rights to use OUR money for whatever we love simply becos IT'S OUR MONEY AND NOT THEIRS?

this is a very strange cuntry. everyone is silent even when their savings are slowly parasitised off by the so called 'concerned' gabramen.sad county. dumb people. idiotic nation!

instead, it attracted the returns of the invisible bitch who's now COCONUT TEE.

she brought out black2545. this is the zany BLACKMAN who was tortured sadistically by his sidekick PUSSYCAT. (that is another horny tale by itself).

blackman was a pal of leetahsar but stupidly fallen into the bitch's nasty FLRIT & DESTROY. now the bitch dug up so many of his personal info and wealth, she would not stop at anything to get back at leetahsar who's now PINKYCLOWN.

so she posted repetively spamming the entire thread demanding the answer which she dreadfully wanted:

From: CoconutTee 30-Aug 03:51
To: pinkyclown 58 of 70 150719.58 in reply to 150719.57

u know Black2545 has depression, did u exploit him n take advantage on his medical condition ???give me straight answer, dun side kick !dun act blur like u dun know any thing !

so pinkyclown responded:

From: pinkyclown 30-Aug 06:18
To: CoconutTee 61 of 70 150719.61 in reply to 150719.60

there is no answer.u got the answer. maybe u tell everyone is reading now. he would love to hear it too.

well, she repeated like a broken cassette player. she sounded more like reaching menopause and quite senile dementia as she kept on repeating and spamming:

From: CoconutTee 03:56
To: pinkyclown 62 of 70 150719.62 in reply to 150719.61

y u need to lie that Black said "NONSENSE! where got"? u r attempting to convince us that u din try to con Black's property, so u lied that Black denied u tried to con his property !!!now u r exposed by ur own lie!will u get a job, instead "working" in SBF full time? give us a straigh "yes" or "No" answer, not sidekick again ;-)

From: pinkyclown 30-Aug 04:04
To: CoconutTee 114 of 123 150930.114
in reply to 150930.111

hahaha...i jus spoken to black 'live'. this is his only reply:NONSENSE! where got??hiazzz...i think ur FLIRT & DESTROY is exposed once again. u r the one who betrays other trust and confidentiality in u.

what do u got to say for urself now?

repent and confess in the confession box, then go out again and continue another FLIRT & DESTROY?


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