Sunday, February 26, 2006

A CHINESE POETRY....courtesy from a reader
From: 纪晓岚 (jixiaolan) 25-Feb 12:59
To: leetahsar 1203 of 1238

83628.1203 in reply to 83628.1202

落魄江湖載酒行 楚腰纖細掌中輕
十年一覺揚州夢 贏得青樓薄倖名

he also advised me to chase out my FT IT tenant who just got the sack...yes, the big boot! and here's my reply to him:


so if u were my kena sacked tenant, i tell u ...served u right...U BALEK KAMPONG...AND PLS PAY MY THIS MTH RENTAL BEFORE U CHAR BOK!...or else!

then how would u dear boy? if i do like u demanded, i am very bad and evil...and really lupping him with a nasty kick so he will fall from the precipice he's now precariously clinging by a small finger.....hahahaha...;9) dear boy....AND COMPASSION....u just dunno when it ur turn next to be hit by ASSLUCK!!! u especially...ornitoufo...;9)

lupping (goon language) = kicking (normal engrish) or smell my foot!(goon extreme engerish)

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