Wednesday, February 08, 2006

WHAT TO DO IF U R the experienced accostee - ME

YES. how should one react?

i have my even more daring version...cos this goon was accosted many many times....i think i put it in my UPHEAVAL OF LEETAHSAR....just for the records...and my goodness.....

all are humans....why for little bit go bother the police....they r especially fond of bullying these species of not only accosted by the male spiders...the female butches also abundant. one even darinly asked me to wear skirt and be her god! what's this world becoming???...but then...if u r mindful about their preferences...just let it be lor...when put people into trouble?

sinkies are advised by woody to be more that little bit also cannot wonder, the poor guy who walked about naked and got peeped droolingly at in his own HDB flats also can get himself into trouble with the law....LAME RIGHT? the peeping bitch should be the one convicted for intruding into others' privacy...makan a good view already then sarbo the chippendale stripper...jialat!...what's happening to this place called sinkietown? we can't even have the rights to do anything in our own privacy in our own pigeonhole...sad :(


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