Monday, July 03, 2006


me and my tua kaypoh!!..
yes..the story's now the weeping wifey's turn...
me meeting her..and bringing her to my temple and hope she could find some solace there...and maybe an answer with her settled heart and tranquil mind when she has achieved that...
so wish me luck...I M OFF NOT TO MEET HER....and yes..her side of the story will continue...i think it's going to be a yee lai chan's melodrama sob soap drama...haahaa...;9)
stay tuned!

3-Jul 02:02
1986 of 2009

83628.1986 in reply to 83628.1985
Read your story about your soon to divorce friend and his wifey ordeal.
In my life, I try to help people of all sorts. When it comes to family matters, I usually take a step back. Be it husband and wife, parents and children, brothers vs sisters, brothers vs brothers, sisters vs sisters, and etc, I will try not to interfere.
Why ? HOW COULD I ?? They have been living together more than me !! They know their shortcomings and worst, they have their hidden secrets or their dark sides that they would not want to reveal.
In your case of your friend, be it teetujias and what not, the husband must be prepared to face the consequences, so do the wife !!
I have seen cases where these china mei meis fend pregnancy to get moronic Sporn men to marry them. These moronic Sporn men believe them without 2nd thoughts...... Yes, to me, they are moronic but how could they be so blinded ? It is because of their choice..... like in Buddhist teaching, every incident, every phenonmenon, there are consequences and choices. One has to decide because every decision will bring about positive and negative effects and results. The worst can happen is that the individual does not have the "wisdom" to choose and decide.
With reference to your friend. He could possibly be looking at the comfort and availabilities at hand. Possibly, he did not delve into the consequences when all dust settle. Is he prepared for it ? Another thing, he could be living for the day and tomorrow is just another day . . . . .
How could you help ? Definitely not as a "go-in-between" to sort things out because they have their own dark sides or linens which you may not know. Yes, you may say that they have none, but, how do you know ? You can help them to get some insights which is not exactly enlightenment . . . . . but near to it. In every situation, we achieve greatness when we are able to rationalize it and achieve positive outcome. Because, because, in every situation, it is a test for the individual. When I accidentally fractured my leg, it is a test for me to see how I could get myself out of the situation to be a better person. When I broke off with my long time gf, it is a test for me to see how much I treasure the one I loved and how much she treasured me in return. When we did not work out, it could simply mean that we did not have any treasures between 2 of us despite having many memorable moments together. We could have sparks here and there, on and off. But, we were not burning !! We do not have that burning desire to be together, burning feelings that bind us, that burning needs to have each other.... we were treating each other like social escorts.... it was bound to fail but, we did not see it. We were blinded.......

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