Thursday, September 07, 2006

I WAS MOLESTED TWICE IN swimming pool toilet and in ktv....

woe is me!!
yesterday while i was at the changing room of queenstown swimming pool, the stomach was growling. die lah!!....shits coming out. so rush to the toilet.
there were 2 pedestal ones and they were locked for 'maintenance'. no choice used the squat one.
hmmp!...ummhp....! brrrrpph...brrrrpph!....pee lee pa lah...the shits were fired out.....aaahhh!! i heaved a sigh of relief.
WAIT!! come got flitting shadow from the door gap?? like there was a shadow of a head bending ....oh my god!!....some one peeping at my bottom!!!.......... be con'td

i quickly tore the toilet papers, wiped my backside clean, pulled up my swim trunk and quickly opened the door.....but there was no one in sight.
strange??....i saw a shadow....and his action was really rapid. before i could exit from my toilet cubicle, he already scramped out of the changing room.
i bent down and see the wide gap...OH MY GOD!! really could see everything!!!
so be it lor...peeped and already been seem...what to do....;9(
after the swim, i returned home. RINGGGG.....! the phone rang. it was sibeikang.
he wanted me to accompany him to meet his estranged wifey, chinjiagong. then together he would drive into JB - again - to eat dinner....yum yum!!....someone's treat, piggy sure obliged...
so on ah!!.........;9)

yes...sibeikang's trademark horning. he was downstair and i rushed down with my passport.
wow! latest moke. a lime green one. no sight of wifey. only he alone. then he told me he was picking her up in orchard road. then from there proceed to JB for dinner.
i was so anticipating. so excited. off he drove along orchard. goodness! many pedestrians and motorists were marvelling at his moke. sbk was orgasmic. he loved the attention.
we passed TAKASHIYAMA where we suppose to pick chinjiagong. but no. he didn't stop. he just drove on....all the way to ROBERTSON a very ulu road where a huge monstrous scary ficus tree grew....where not a soul was seen...where not a lamplight was present saved for the bright full moon above.....
i hopped off his moke awkardly and it was so inspiring, i broke out singing MEMORY - THEME FROM CATS SIR ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER....
and the night echoed with my rich bassy melodic voice....hahaha.....;9)
ringgg....ringgggggg! sbk's mobile sounded. it was cjg. she was in TAKASHIMAYA now. she must have taken MRT down all the way from her YISHUN new home where she was staying with her father and step cheena mum with 3 step sisters. and of course, her son was there too.
i hopped back into the moke and was on our way to orchard again. and i just couldn't stop singing...MEMORY....ALL ALONE IN THE MOONLIGHT.....

waited and waited at the back of TAKASHIMAYA. there was no sight of chinjiagong.
what's happening? was anybody's guess.
sbk: BOB, can u please call her..
me: why me??...u wife what?
sbk: my mobile must pay one u know...and i din pay so now i can't make outgoing call....
me: sure or not?...u always bluffing me leh....20c also u wanna kang!...beh tahan!!....ok i call lor....for the sake of ur son...I CALL!
and there walking towards us, cjg in her new splendour gorgeous look!!! she shone that night. of course she was shining lah in her shiny golden spaggi dress, tight fitting jeans, high heels and matching shiny handbag she was holding. but she looked beautifully stunning that night...maybe the magic of the moonlight....MEMORY......ALL ALONE IN THE MOONLIGHT....there goes my MEMORY ..again...hahahaha....;9)
off we went again. this time to where?...JB?....NO! both me and cjg had brought out passports. but hell NO!!...we weren't heading for JB!....
sbk drove us to BALESTIER for bak kut teh. luckily, i already eaten my dinner. if not sure die of hunger liao!..... be cont'd

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