Friday, August 25, 2006


this odd teetu couple was really weird. like as though they just been to RAW...and gave a horrendous description about the place.
the lau teetukong said, "dun go there joe....not worth it!!...full of shits...full of indians...ugly...and stink like fuck!!...all very mabok type!!"
joe's eyes got bigger and stare in amazement!...."go there joe," he pointed just a few steps away. There was a pub with the signatory sign....a signboard of 6 colors were hung there on the high wall.
that one i knew. it was the gay sign....i saw them alot in SAN FRANCISCO...the holy land of the gays....if u see them hanging this sign outside their home...a funny queer banner or anything with 6 colors of the rainbow instead of 7...that home is resided with gays....
soon we departed with the old gay couple...and me was like feeling very concious...WHAT IF SOMEONE SAW ME WITH THIS JOKER NEXT TO ME??...HOW HUH??...ME SURE DIED MAN!!...sure branded .
even as i wrote this, i know after i have finished...some smart alec will start flaming and branding me...BO CHAP!!...dun care...his illusion about me...NOT MY PROBLEM...
I AM CLEAN...CLEAR...AND HAVE NOT DEFILED MY BODY...NOR MY's still as clear as the mirror....haahaa....;9)
if u think i m gay...then gay i will be to u....i can't be bother with what goes into ur contorted mind...not my problem....;9)
joe was curious. i was curious too. never seen what it was like. so i agreed to go check it out.
it was a dark narrow staircase. at the entrance, we were greeted by faggots...very guniang type....more girlish than girl...OH MY GOD!!
it was dimly lit. there were tvs from the ceiling...and the whole was quite bare. the bloody faggots were already shooting bak at this poor sweaty piggy...joe looked at him...and beckoned me to leave. we left.
along the way descending the long narrow stairs, my itchy piggy hand picked up one of the brochures, namecards...whatever that were laid at the side of the flight of stairs....
i din see what it was just grabbed..and stuffed them into my back pockets. from there we proceeded to ann siang rd which was a sloppy road. when we reached the peak, there in bright crimson neon lights...RAW...
wow lau!! this joe liked reaching his holy promised land...his eyes lit up brighter than the neon lights infront...and this kaypoh piggy...just had to peep into a pub...and guess what??
a mini teetu cave....and joe followed me to peep inside. he liked it!...oh no!!!...please dun go in...pls no...and yes...we went in....;9(
the silly piggy gong gong went in with i just said, it was a mini teetu cave...and all those teetubengs were there...never expected i invent another new teetu term...
YES...TEETUBENGS...the act tough...act cool bengs...but TEETU STYLE...all men or maybe boys...but all teetus!!
the very chiohunk stylo milo bartender greeted us...presumably another teetukong...and joe was smiling...and me ...the sweats was running like the fountain of venus....haahahaa...;9)
here he went again...buffaloing down his beer....and what a beer...SUPER COLD...BEER!!...and what do i have?...
ER...PLAIN WATER PLS....(it's free...;9)....the stylo milo teetu was so kind...he gave me one with a slice of!!..and ice...and really shiok. after i drank it down, then i realised whether he got add any other things into it or not...haahaa...;9) be continued.....

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